2018_11_01XL_30 - XLinguae

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Open access Issues > Issue n_1XL_2018 > section1XL_2018
Translating, the vital element in classes of French as a foreign language
[La traduction : un incontournable en classe de FLE]
Jacqueline Oven
DOI: 10.18355/XL.2018.11.01XL.30
The article presents the position of translating in classes teaching French as a foreign language. The focus is on the importance of gradual approach (with regard to the level of competence and the age of students as well as to the level of opacity of set phrases) when translating is introduced. Translating appears to be an excellent means for illustrating differences between semantic and lexical units, the semantic unit being the essential part in successful learning of a foreign language. Although set phrases,  idioms and proverbs are considered to be the most difficult contents in learning foreign languages, and are not taught or avoided at elementary levels, the article, nevertheless, uses set phrases from certain lexical areas (e.g. colours, body parts, animals, fruits, vegetables), which are normally used in elementary level textbooks, to illustrate the gradual approach in introducing translating.

Key words: translating, French as a foreign language (FLE), semantic/lexical unit, lexical area, set phrases 

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