2018_11_02_01 - XLinguae

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Logical and linguistic strategies for translating complex sentences in literary texts of natural languages
Tatiana V. Emets – Iuliia V. Baryshnikova – Alexey Yu. Trutnev – Elena V. Suvorova – Tatiana L. Akhmetzyanova

DOI: 10.18355/XL.2018.11.02.01

The relevance of the research is determined by the understudied inferences in the natural language (German and Russian) in the logical-linguistic aspect on the basis of complex sentences with subordinate conditional clauses. Research in this area will allow achieving a more holistic view of inferences in German and Russian both as a logical category and in a logical-linguistic aspect. In this connection, this article is aimed at revealing the fact how complex sentences manifest themselves in the German and Russian languages from the viewpoint of logical constructions. The objective of the research is to show that the analysis of the natural language by the methods of formal logic is possible and requires further careful study. In formal logic, a logical inference is a very complex phenomenon in terms of theoretical comprehension both in Russian and in German. The task is to show how the German-speaking authors construct logical inferences in the form of the German language and how these conclusions manifest themselves in the official translation into Russian. A complex methodology is used in the study including a method of continuous sampling while analyzing the empirical material, a statistical method, a descriptive method, as well as methods for linguistic and logical analysis of German and Russian complex sentences. The complex sentences from the original literary texts of the German authors of the 20th century and their official Russian translations provided the material for the research. Based on the conducted logical-linguistic analysis, the authors explain how logical inferences are represented in the literary German-language texts and consider logical and linguistic strategies of translation in the Russian-language texts. The significance of the study: The results of the analysis can contribute to the translation teaching theory and methods and actually to the practice of teaching the translation of German texts into Russian, in the process of studying the peculiarities of the language and style of German-speaking authors, and also in the compilation of machine translation programs for literary texts. 

Key words: German, Russian, literary text, complex sentence, translation, formal logic, Modus BARBARA

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