2018_11_02_10 - XLinguae

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The interactive education in teaching languages: microblogging as the way to improve postgraduate students' communicative interaction in English
Aida R. Nurutdinova – Elena V. Dmitrieva – Elena A. Nelyubina – Liliya R. Nurova – Kira R. Wagner
DOI: 10.18355/XL.2018.11.02.10
Currently, a high proficient level in a foreign language is one of the criteria by which the qualified specialist is assessed. Under given conditions of economic and world politics, Russia actively participates in the world community life and expands its international relations. These factors determine the increased demand for teaching foreign languages. The use of computers becomes the integral part of the learning process and its use in the teaching ESL opens up new opportunities for educators and leaners in their studies and allows solving fundamentally new tasks in the methodology of teaching a foreign language. In the framework of the education system, the computer technologies in the educational process is being actively implemented. The research states the use of Web 2.0 services, and microblogging, in particular, in the process of teaching foreign languages, is an indispensable resource for the formation of communicative skills of students. The presented research paper examines the microblogging as the additional interactive technology for teaching foreign languages and as the effective tool for building the communication skills of postgraduate students of non-linguistic Universities. Due to the fact that the term “interactive learning” is increasingly used in the field of information technology, distance education, use of Internet resources and work online, the authors will consider the main aspects of the computer linguodidactics development as a basic branch of knowledge, responsible for the development of interactive learning ESL. The results of the research are possible to use in the course of the methodology of teaching foreign languages, in developing teaching aids and courses in foreign languages. 

Key words: computer technology, second language acquisition, communicative skills, interactive technology, non-linguistics universities, interactive learning, interactive software environment

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