2018_11_02_12 - XLinguae

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Linguistic peculiarities of feminine and masculine political media discourse in English-speaking countries
Tatyana G. Popova – Yelena V. Sausheva – Tatyana I. Surikova – Rozaliya R. Yusupova – Anna I. Dzyubenko
DOI: 10.18355/XL.2018.11.02.12
The article presents the results of the research of linguistic peculiarities of political media discourse in English-speaking countries. Special attention the article pays to feminine and masculine features of political media discourse. In the article, we establish that the common linguistic features of masculine and feminine political media discourse include frequent use of the superlative and comparative degrees of adjectives; active voice prevailing over passive, the low frequency of conjunctionless subordinate clauses; active use of stylistic devices. We describe masculine political media discourse, which is characterized by the predominance of negatively colored lexical units, the frequent use of words with negative prefixes, the variety of linking words. We can see that feminine political media discourse is marked by the high frequency of words denoting different emotional states, the use of expressive phrases, the use of words with a modal meaning, expressing obligation, doubt, uncertainty, probability.

Key words: mass media, political media discourse, linguistic peculiarities, feminine and masculine features, English-speaking countries

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