2018_11_02_18 - XLinguae

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The issue of preservation and development strategies of Kabardian-Circassian language in the conditions of globalization
Al'bek Abazov – Zaudin Hutezhev – Vyacheslav Unatlokov – Irina Ashinova – Ludmila Abazova
DOI: 10.18355/XL.2018.11.02.18
The article suggests questions of preservation of the kabardino-circassian language in the context of modern language policy. Functionality of the kabardino-circassian language in Kabardino-Balkar Republic is investigated. Decision The article offers for preservation and development of the kabardino-circassian language. The authors conclude that the language policy in Kabardino-Balkar Republic has to provide protection of the national identity of the people and guarantee the prospects of further development of their literary language. 

Key words: Kabardian-Circassian language, Kabardino-Balkar Republic, language preservation, strategies of language development, globalization

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