2018_11_02_20 - XLinguae

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Globalization and youth: philosophical analysis of challenges and ways to overcome them
Natalia A. Orekhovskaya – Alexander A. Galushkin – Elena V. Maleko – Tatyana A. Bezenkova – Natalya A. Plugina
DOI: 10.18355/XL.2018.11.02.20
Philosophical analysis of the issues concerning acceleration of the modern civilization development, high dynamics of international life, strengthening of interrelation and interdependence of peoples and states, is especially relevant for professionals studying contemporary society in general, and youth in particular. The dual purpose of the research study is to focus on the definition of the concept of ‘globalization’, because there is no well-established precise definition in scientific practice, and both Western European and Russian researchers offer their own interpretations for this concept; and to study the ambiguity of the social effects of globalization, which has generated both supporters and fierce opponents of this phenomenon. The study keynote is provided through the social-and-philosophical analysis of the impact of globalization, especially on young people, as well as highlighting the current challenges facing young people today and developing new value orientations. The author proceeds from the data obtained in the sociological research conducting the scientific literature review and students’ group and in-depth interviews in Russian universities. The analytical work made it possible to propose some steps in overcoming the challenges of globalization, and the author comes to a conclusion about the need to undertake a further large-scale study of the globalization process.  The materials of the paper may be useful to researchers, as well as teachers and professionals involved in the education of young people. 

Key words: globalization, philosophical analysis of globalization, cultural globalization, ways to fight globalization, young people, internet

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