2018_11_02_23 - XLinguae

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Lexical-phraseological features of phrasal verbs and difficulties in their study
Marina Zhambylkyzy Lyudmila M.  Kotiyeva Aigerim S. Smagulova Karlygash M. Yessenamanova Raziyam K. Anayatova
DOI: 10.18355/XL.2018.11.02.23
Modern English language has a particularly large number of combinations of postpositions with verbs. Their number is growing steadily. This is evidenced by books, dictionaries, dedicated to phrasal verbs and their use. Along with the increasing number, the frequency of their use is also growing. This means that they perform a desired function due to their greater brevity and expressiveness. The study of phrasal verbs is one of the most difficult tasks for a person who wants to improve his or her level of the English language. Phrasal verbs that are more infrequently used in conversation have already moved to the language of the media, business and economy.  Phrasal verbs have strengthened their position in the verbal lexicon of contemporary English. Having become a phenomenon of conversational level, they are essential for the communicative act, and offer unlimited opportunities to express virtually all concepts. The article investigates research into the use of the lexical set strategy for teaching phrasal verbs in Kazakhstani universities. Even though the incidence of phrasal verbs is significant in English-speaking countries, little has been written about other causes of the non-use of the forms of PVs except for avoidance. Accordingly, this study explored 302 PVs used in 60 talks by the University students. The author comes to the conclusion that a well-defined strategy for teaching and learning PVs promotes the development of students' foreign language communicative competence.

Key words: phrasal verb, preposition, adverb, particle, semantics, idioms, analytical forms, semantics, compound verbs, auxiliary verb

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