2018_11_02_35 - XLinguae

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Self-knowledge as a criterion for classifying philosophical doctrines
Leysan R. Slobozhankina – Marina S. Teplykh – Marina P. Akhmetzyanova – Vera A. Zhilina – Alevtina I. Nazaricheva
DOI: 10.18355/XL.2018.11.02.35
One of the important issues while teaching the course "Philosophy" is the classification of philosophical doctrines. That is because philosophy as a single, universally recognized system of knowledge does not exist. There are a lot of different philosophical doctrines, schools, currents, trends, which in some ways are unite with each other, but more in contradiction, struggle, and refute each other. The article concentrates on revealing the philosophy, in its real historical existence, as a set of "philosophies".  The purpose of this article is to disclose the possibility of applying a convenient and understandable method for classifying philosophical schools and trends, for successfully mastering the history of philosophy. To make a student understand this diversity of "philosophies" better, the method of classification is applied. The materials of the article are of practical value for specialists engaged in philosophical educational programs in learning environment. 

Key words: Self-knowledge, philosophical truth, classification, philosophical teachings, history of philosophy

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