2018_11_02_37 - XLinguae

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Lexico-semantic and linguo-stylistical analysis of A. Vvedensky's and D. Kharms' art texts
[Лексико-семантический и лингвостилистический анализ художественных текстов А. Введенского и Д. Хармса]
Liana M. Akhmetzyanova – Gelinya Kh. Gilazetdinova
DOI: 10.18355/XL.2018.11.02.37
The article is devoted to the linguistic analysis of art structures of two avant-garde writers. The general category of texts is taken as a basis – the category of absurdity often referred to as "boffinry Notwithstanding the traits of similarity, the ways of realization of an art discourse differ, for example, A. Vvedensky has   a dominating principle of "semantic nonsense," as well as D. Kharms – "situational nonsense" when there is either a collision of meanings or collision of situations. As a result, it is possible to speak about a conscious asemantism and an art agrammatism in the texts devoted to realize, first of all, the de-constructive function of language. Thus all the elements of standard communication are involved in skillful manipulations by Vvedensky and Kharms.

Key words: semantics, art absurdity, communication violation, language experiment, function of the nomination

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