2018_11_02_47 - XLinguae

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Cultural codes of ancient cults in Chinese and Kazakh phraseology
Fatimabibi N. Daulet – Saule Anuar – Farida Orazakynkyzy – Aida A. Kenzhebayeva – Rauan O. Dossymbekova
DOI: 10.18355/XL.2018.11.02.47
The article examines of phraseological units (PU) with cult components in the Chinese and Kazakh languages. The article is relevant because of the attempt to fill the gap in comparative linguistic studies of PUs in the Chinese and Kazakh languages in general and cult concepts in particular. Cross-linguistic comparison of Chinese and Kazakh phraseology suggests that cultural codes represent and shape the worldview and mentality of groups of people. The purpose of the study is to identify typological similarities and ethno-cultural specificity of PUs with cult components in the Chinese and Kazakh languages. The material of the study consists of 3,000 PUs with cult components in the Chinese and Kazakh languages. The author applies comparative structural, typological, historical and etymological methods to produce a scientifically novel study of PUs with cult components in the Chinese and Kazakh languages. The study describes structural, semantic and thematic groups of PUs with cult components in the Chinese and Kazakh languages to discern national and universal cultural codes. The article has theoretical significance for the study of cultural codes and their representation in Chinese and Kazakh linguistic systems.   

Key words: Chinese language, Kazakh language, linguistic worldview, spiritual cultural code, worship, cult, linguocultural studies

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