2018_11_02_51 - XLinguae

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Linguopragmatic aspect of modern communication: main political media speech strategies and tactics in the USA and the UK
Marina R. Zheltukhina – Maryana V. Busygina – Mayya G. Merkulova – Irina A. Zyubina – Lyudmila M. Buzinova
DOI: 10.18355/XL.2018.11.02.51
The article is devoted to the definition of the concepts "speech strategy" and "speech tactics", consideration of political media discourse as an environment for the realization of speech strategies and tactics, linguopragmatic analysis of American and British political media texts. Main political media speech strategies and tactics used by politicians in the USA and the UK are identified and described. A political media speech strategy is defined as the whole complex of speech acts carried out to realize the goals of the political dialogue in mass media. A political media speech tactic is the specific stage of political media speech strategy. It is established that political media discourse represents the environment for the realization of speech strategies and tactics. The main blocks of media political speech strategies are positioning, cooperation, and conflict strategies. The self-representation strategy is a general strategy, which implements all these block strategies. 

Key words: discourse; pragmatic effects; influence; mass media, media political speech strategies and tactics, the USA, the UK

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