2018_11_02_53 - XLinguae

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Mythological foundations of ontology
[Мифологические основания онтологии]
Svetlana V. Potapova – Irina Yu. Danilova – Valeriy I. Prasolov – Elena V. Makarova – Nina I. Kryukova
DOI: 10.18355/XL.2018.11.02.53
The relevance of the problem is due to contradictions between the mythological prerequisites of ontology, considered as an integral part of social life, and the expansion of ideas about the myth at the beginning of the XXI century, the enrichment of knowledge about its functions, structure, and relationships with the individual psychology of human creativity. The purpose of the article is to reveal the mythological foundations of ontology, to determine the role of mythological consciousness in the development of cultural and social life, to identify certain elements of mythology and myth-making, which are actual or potential prerequisites of philosophical ontology. The leading method of studying this problem is the method of comparative-typological analysis, system-structural approach, the principles of dialectics, understood as a philosophical doctrine of the interaction of opposites, universal connection, and development, as well as the principle of unity of historical and logical. At the same time, General scientific methods of cognition were used. 

Key words: mythological foundations of ontology, mythological consciousness, myth, mythological worldview

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