2018_11_02_55 - XLinguae

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The national and cultural peculiarities of stereotyped precedent names (A case study of the Kazakh, Russian, and English languages)
Aigul Murzinova – Altynay Tymbolova – Kalima Yelshibaeva – Gulmira Abdirassilova – Ainur Kushkimbayeva – Mukhtar Mirov
DOI: 10.18355/XL.2018.11.02.55
The relevance of the research is determined by the task to consider the century-long stereotypes embodied in the collective consciousness of the people in terms of the national and cultural linguistic aspect, to study this phenomenon by means of comparative analysis of stereotyped precedent names in different languages and reveal the specificity of the national mentality and culture of different nations. The objective of this article is to identify national and cultural peculiarities of stereotyped precedent names as a case study of the Kazakh, Russian, and English languages. The research is aimed at establishing a connection between language and culture in the content of precedent names and their role in the formation of national and cultural stereotypes. They make the linguistic fabric of fiction works and are an important means of revealing the content of a literary text. Methods of the research: generalization and analysis are the leading methods employed by the authors while studying stereotyped precedent names in different languages. The research results: The stereotyped precedent names were analyzed on a national and cultural basis, comparison of the national and cultural features of stereotyped precedent names in the Kazakh, Russian and English languages was made, and the identified stereotyped precedent names were classified. The significance of the study: a comparative analysis of precedent names reveals the specifics of the national mentality and culture of the people using these names and helps understand connotations of national and cultural components stereotyped precedent names in foreign languages. The research findings can be useful for linguists dealing with cross-cultural communication, language teachers, students and people interested in making acquaintance with foreign culture.

Key words: national-cultural stereotype, behavior stereotype, stereotype image, national mentality, value, world’s language image, national linguistic cognition

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