2018_11_02_57 - XLinguae

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Influence of the philosophy of language to writing of Slovak poetess Mila Haugova
[Vplyv filozofie jazyka na tvorbu slovenskej poetky Mily Haugovej]
Eva Hohn
DOI: 10.18355/XL.2018.11.02.57
Poetess Mila Haugová has been known to Slovak audience for more than three decades. Her literary activity began in line with the Slovak symbolism. In the nineties of the 20th century the poetry of Haugová's poems changed. This process began after a short break, when Mila Haugová was engaged in translation activities, mainly from the contemporary Austrian literature. In our text, we have attempted to show, that this change occurred under the influence of the philosophy of language, which Haugová took from the Austrian author Ingeborg Bachmann as well as from the philosophy of poststructuralism. In the first part of the article we explain the concept of Bachmann's language critique, which was elaborated under the influence of the Austrian philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein, especially his work Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus (1921). The second part of our article focuses on the influence of psychoanalysis and poststructuralism on Mila Haugová's poetry. Through the language, the Slovak poetess creates a new, own world of poetry. Crossing the borders of the language also represents crossing the borders of the being. This process is closely linked to the identity of the poet, whose existence acquires through writing a new, higher quality.

Key words: philosophy of language, existentialism, poststrukturalism, psychoanalysis, Slovak literature, Austrian literature

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