2018_11_02_60 - XLinguae

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Analysis of word and music interconnection in Greek Catholics‘ liturgical chanting on interdisciplinary aspect of linguistics and aesthetics
[Анализ взаимотношения слова и музыки в литургическом пении греко-католиков в интердисциплинарном аспекте лингвистики и эстетики]
Anna Petrikova – Slavka Kopcakova
DOI: 10.18355/XL.2018.11.02.60
The article considers a person as an anthropological phenomenon who manifests the ability to perceive sacral music and texts of Greek Catholic worship. It is known that language is a means of transferring information fulfilling a symbolic function. In the aspect of linguo-confessional and phenomenological research we consider that this ethno-social function can be realized by music. The article focuses on the liturgical chanting of the Greek Catholics’ Byzantine rite which represents the unity of the prayer forms, life experience and melody. The analysis shows that the break of this unity can mean the interruption of liturgical chanting and transition to the field of profane musical art.
During the prayer a linguistic identity exists in the sacred space. A prayer is the main way of perception of God and formation of "right" ideas about God. In the article, a prayer is understood as a form of a special dialogue with specific pragmatic functions. In the text of the prayer there used a gonorative expressing the interconnection with the ascending vector along the line of the addressee's elevation and the speaker's self-abasement. There are examples of one of gonorative forms, i.e. the "you" –  sphere of the utterance. The interconnection between chants and texts from the liturgical books of the Byzantine rite and their impact on the spiritual growth of the linguistic identity are considered.

Key words: linguo-confessionology, language, linguistic identity, confession, chants, worship, linguistic picture of the world, prayer, aesthetics

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