2018_11_03_01 - XLinguae

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Personal linguistic parametrization of text generation of the internet comments
Samal Z. Yergaliyeva – Natalia V. Melnik – Beibytnur K. Zhumabekova – Kuanysh S. Yergaliyev – Nurlan R. Omarov

DOI: 10.18355/XL.2018.11.03.01

The relevance of the research is determined by the interaction of a language and a man in the worldwide network and the increased influence of human communication on the linguistic activities. The objective of the research is to find out the level of personal and text generating of the Russian and Kazakhstani political Internet comments in the personal linguistic aspect. Methods of the research: collection and contextual analysis of the material, comparative-contrastive, descriptive methods and the method of quantitative estimation were applied in order to study this subject. The analysis performed was based on the parametrization of the political online comments. Moreover, the article deals with the human factors issue in the speech generating. Each generated text reflects a linguistic personality possessing a set of linguistic abilities governing the linguistic diversity and the variability of oral activity. The research outcomes showed that while generating the Russian Internet comments, the factor of personality conditioned by the parameters of the subjectivity of the linguistic persona predominates whilst the textual factors predominate in the Kazakhstani Internet comments. The significance of the study: the text generation parameters have been identified within the personal and textual strategies of text generation and the quantitative ratio of the personal and the textual has been determined in the Russian and Kazakhstani political Internet commentaries. 

Key words: virtual linguistic identity, linguistic personal studies, Internet comments, parametrization, political discourse

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