2018_11_03_08 - XLinguae

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Learning the vocabulary of Russian as a foreign language within the elementary level through Quizlet.com
[Изучение лексики элементарного уровня общего владения  русского языка как иностранного при помощи инструмента портала поддержки обучения Quizlet.com]
Kholisakhon Eshmatovna Ismailova – Olga Victorovna Bondareva
DOI: 10.18355/XL.2018.11.03.08
The paper presents the methodology and results experimental vocabulary learning Russian as a foreign language by using the support portal training Quizlet.com used with the purpose of increase of efficiency of mastering of a material of an elementary course of the Russian language in the conditions of short-term training to students coming to study in Russia. The article describes the application of the developments of the teacher of Russian as a foreign language in the classroom and independent work of students. The analysis of the obtained results proved the efficiency of the portal tools complex application Quizlet.com for faster development of students' general and special vocabulary, as well as the formation of their basic skills of listening, reading and writing in the studied language.

Key words: teaching vocabulary, Russian as a foreign language, electronic means of teaching, independent work of students

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