2018_11_03_10 - XLinguae

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Verbalizing emotions in texts of economic mass media
Evgeniy S. Smakhtin – Irina I. Klimova – Viktoriia S. Arkhipova Konstantin V. Andrievskii – Olga O. Shalamova – Natalia A. Sidorova
DOI: 10.18355/XL.2018.11.03.10
The paper describes peculiar features of verbalization of emotions in the texts of the English and Russian online mass media covering economic and financial spheres. Some statistical data obtained from the comparative analysis of the lexis representing emotions in the English and Russian articles are given. For the purposes of the analysis, the emotive vocabulary was broken down into groups following the authors’ classification. The authors thoroughly examined syntagmatic relations and functions of the names of emotions stating tendencies of their usage in economic mass media. 

Key words: verbalization of emotions, representation of emotions, emotive lexis, comparative analysis, economic mass media

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