2018_11_03_14 - XLinguae

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Structural relationship between the motivation to study of the second language (De), stability and the second language knowledge
Gulzhan Isatayeva – Ileshan Smanov – Dinara Mutanova – Nursaule Aytbayeva – Zhanar SaduovaSaltanat Beissembayeva
DOI: 10.18355/XL.2018.11.03.14
The aim of the study is to point out the structural relationships between the possession of a second language and the construction of the stability, motivation and demotivation of students of the second language. The study involved 168 students in Ahmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University. The data were analyzed using factor analysis, correlations and modeling of structural equations (SEM). Seven factors of sustainability (life satisfaction, communicative, communicative effectiveness, self-control, strategic competence, metacognitive adaptation and realistic optimism) were determined in factor analysis, six factors of motivation (it should be in the second language, ideal second language, instrumental motivation, parental support, academic motivation, awareness of importance) and six factors of demotivation (negative perception of English-speaking countries, compulsory EFL education, perception of irrelevance textbooks or problems, low self-esteem, inappropriate learning environment, untrained teachers). The modeling of structural equations confirmed that stability, the motivation of the second language and the demotivation of the second language contribute to an increase in the level of proficiency in the second language. demotivation of the second language was more explanatory for the possession of a second language than the motivation for learning a second language. Stability had both direct and indirect influence on the knowledge of the second language through the demotivation of the second language. The findings indicate that teachers should equip students with coping strategies for learning a second language.

Key words: sustainability, demotivation, motivation, second language proficiency, English as a foreign language

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