2018_11_04_03 - XLinguae

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New ways of professional language thesaurus formation among students of engineering specialties
Aygul Z. Ibatova – Iskandar G. Mukhametgaliyev
DOI: 10.18355/XL.2018.11.04.03
At present, a foreign language becomes a means of increasing the level of knowledge within its specialty and is increasingly becoming a language for specific purposes. The professional orientation in foreign language teaching is carried out in the process of speech activity: reading and speaking. It is important that students master vocational vocabulary.
The teacher needs to select the lexical material taking into account the specialization. Knowledge of special vocabulary is necessary for reading texts on the specialty. This concept requires changes in the system of foreign language teaching at a technical university. Significant changes are required in the selection of a methodological approach to teaching, the content of the teaching and methodical complex. In the article, the author presents his teaching method of a foreign vocabulary to students in the professional sphere. Namely, he presents an electronic glossary of the lexical minimum for students, presents the methodology for compiling a glossary and methodological recommendations working with it.

Key words: thesaurus, glossary, vocabulary training, a foreign vocabulary

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