2018_11_04_06 - XLinguae

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The three-level phono-grammar order and its derivational connecting link: the elements of language system (on the material of Arabic)
[Трехуровневый фонограмматический строй и его словообразовательное связующее звено: элементы языковой структуры (на материале арабского языка)]
Raheem Ali Al-foadi – Nailya G. Mingazova
DOI: 10.18355/XL.2018.11.04.06
The paper deals with the progressive levels of phono-grammar and the role of word formation connecting different levels of the Arabic language. The clear selection of minimally significant language elements solves the problem of the linguistic science back-development and contributes to resolving the controversial issues while defining criteria for singling out parts of speech. The phonetic changes of basic elements at the word formation level provide the root with morphonological markers influencing the word declension; as a result the word formation serves as the link connecting all language levels. All these reveal the essence of the progressive inflected language categorization system – the phono-grammar.

Key words: root, phono-grammar, elements of language system, parts of speech, morphonology, Arabic

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