2018_11_04_08 - XLinguae

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Explicit variable relations of the members of predicate groups (as exemplified by the either…or, neither…nor constructions in the modern English language)
Irina Nikolaevna Morozova – Ludmila Makarovna Mitrophanenko – Larisa Yurievna Zinovieva – Oksana Gennadievna Tsiganskaia – Elena Viktorovna Savello
DOI: 10.18355/XL.2018.11.04.08
This article studies the variability of the either…or/neither…nor syntactic structures, which manifest themselves in the alternative agreement of a predicate with homogeneous subjects connected with the either…or/neither…nor conjunctions. This research is topical since there are significant contradictions between normative grammatical rules and irregular usage. The article aims to define the extent of variation and influence of extratextual factors. One of the most important research results is determining the latest tendencies and preferences in the usage of the either…or/neither…nor syntactic structures in the modern English language.

Key words: agreement, variation, variability, syntactic variants, homogeneous subjects, the either…or…/neither…nor… conjunctions, usage, extratextual factors

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