2019_12_01_05 - XLinguae

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Open access Issues > Issue n_1_2019 > section n_1_2019
Multiculturalism or feminism? Arguments about the use of the integral veil

[¿Multiculturalismo o feminismo? La discusión en torno al uso del velo integral]
Maria Jose Binetti – Katarina Slobodova Novakova – Martina Pavlikova

DOI: 10.18355/XL.2019.12.01.05

Based on an article by Martha Nussbaum surrounding the prohibition of the use of the integral veil in the public dependencies in western Europe, we aim at going over the discussion around the reasons that enable or forbid it. Contrary to Nussbaum, who justifies–according to the principles of an extreme liberalism–the freedom of women to choose wearing or not the integral veil, we will sustain–based on the same principles of freedom and equality–the need to prohibit it in order to defend women’s autonomy and integrity. In the context of a post-secularized world, we will try to show the viability of a cultural and religious pluralism that confirms, instead of denying, the universality of human rights and the citizenship for each person, especially for women.

Key words: liberalism, secularism, religion, minorities, citizenship

Pages: 70 - 79

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