2019_12_01_16 - XLinguae

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Open access Issues > Issue n_1_2019 > section n_1_2019
Students' communicative competence in the context of interсultural business communication
Irina I. Klimova – Galina V. Klimova – Svetlana A. Dubinko

DOI: 10.18355/XL.2019.12.01.16

This paper considers the importance of improving students’ sensitivity to culture, cultivating cultural awareness in the foreign language learning environment in order to develop the students’ communicative competence. The authors analyze the inside constituents of the concept of culture. The influence of these components on verbal and communicative behavior of representatives of different cultures is reviewed. The purpose of this research paper was to implement our findings concerning fundamental components of the concepts of communicative competence and intercultural communication into a new course «Intercultural Business Communication» targeted at improving students’ sensitivity to culture, cultivating cultural awareness in the foreign language learning environment.

Key words: communicative competence, intercultural communication, verbal communicative behavior, cultural differences, cultural barrier

Pages: 207 - 218

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