2019_12_01XL_02 - XLinguae

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Prosodic anticipatory clues and reference activation in simultaneous interpretation

[Les indices anticipatoires prosodiques et l'activation de la reference en interpretation simultanee]
Maria Palova – Eva Kiktova

DOI: 10.18355/XL.2019.12.01XL.02

Intonational patterns carry anticipation phenomena inherent to the utterers´ productions. In perception, listeners learnt to exploit them with the sake to promptly and correctly retrieve the transmitted message. As far as the interpreter´s performance is concerned, his/her capacity to make use of the aforementioned phenomena is of significant importance for the interpreting assignments. The tests conducted as part of our study demonstrate that it is possible to define and outline certain anticipatory prosodic strategies with a direct impact on (especially simultaneous) interpretation. They confirm that the structural information conveyed by an anticipatory clue identified by an interpreter helps to optimize his/her rendition. Multi-layered linguistic constraints of an interpreting task are thus transformed into a cognitive constraint.
The segmentation/tying function performed a posteriori retains traces of all levels of constraints as evidenced by the results of our perceptual tests.

Key words: prosody, reference, anticipatory strategies, simultaneous and consecutive interpretation, perceptual tests

Pages: 13 - 22

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