2019_12_01XL_05 - XLinguae

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Content of foreign language (French) training at Agrarian university

[Le composant professionnalisant du francais langue etrangere a l’Universite agraire]
Aleksei Yu. Alipichev – Irina P. Gotovtseva – Olga V. Takanova

DOI: 10.18355/XL.2019.12.01XL.05

The paper considers the career guiding role and pragmatic value of the “French as Foreign Language (FFL)” course at an agrarian university. In this context, the “French as Foreign Language” course can be aimed at not only the development of linguistic competence in the professional field but may also serve as a means of career guidance for students and the implementation of the career guiding principle of bachelor training. This course can be professionally advantageous in terms of smartly selected content that could motivate and facilitate the self-actualization of young graduates in their professional life. A new educational approach has been developed at Russian Timiryazev State Agrarian University to effectively achieve this integrating goal. This approach consists in designing the career guiding component of the FFL teaching content on the basis of the specific selected criteria. The implementation of this innovative component also requires specific processes that ensure the effectiveness of its motivating capacity for the professional activity. Career guidance is implemented through the selection of a relevant content component based on adequate requirements and effective ways of its enhancement. Owing to the offered requirements for the selection of career guiding component of university teaching content, the author has determined conditions for efficient organization and actualization of career guiding component of the “French as Foreign Language” course taught at agrarian universities, which will, consequently, help students to fit better into the world of work.

Key words: career awareness, career guiding component of teaching content, general curriculum subjects, motivation French as foreign language, agrarian university

Pages: 50 - 65

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