2019_12_02_01 - XLinguae

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Open access Issues > Issue n_2_2019 > section n_2_2019
The model of psycholinguistic image analysis
Ekaterina Balandina – Tatiana Peredrienko

DOI: 10.18355/XL.2019.12.02.01

The article aims to present the model of psycholinguistic image analysis by studying the image “money” in the linguistic consciousness of Arabic, Chinese and Russian students. The work performed from the position of psycholinguistic school gives the full and detailed analysis of the similarities and differences in perception of the universal material value “money”. This perception is influenced not only by mass media, literature, social and political changes happening in society but also by subjective tendencies, interests, and ideals of an individual. The research is based on a postulate that any phenomena of reality perceived by a person in the process of his activity and communication are revealed in his linguistic consciousness. The image associated with the phenomenon or object can be studied using the associative experiment. The associative fields constructed in the course of the experiments allow analyzing the image “money” from the purely linguistic and psycholinguistic point of views according to the formal-grammatical features of the received responses, contiguity and similarity classification and semantic field grouping. The model of psycholinguistic image analysis presented in the article can be used for the analysis of other values and concepts existing in the linguistic consciousness of any culture representatives. Each nation has particular knowledge and stereotypes, specific value orientations and certain associations that are imprinted in the nation's worldview. The psycholinguistic image analysis helps to understand the difference between national cultures and find out their complementarity at the level of world culture.

Key words: psycholinguistic analysis, linguistic consciousness, associative experiment, associative field, verbal associations

Pages: 3 - 16

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