2019_12_02_02 - XLinguae

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Open access Issues > Issue n_2_2019 > section n_2_2019
Development of speaking at primary schools through CLIL
Elena Kovacikova

DOI: 10.18355/XL.2019.12.02.02

The paper deals with the popular methodology of content and language integrated learning (CLIL). It pinpoints the relationship between the CLIL methodology and the development of a speaking skill at a primary level of schooling. The research comprising observation and questionnaire methods was carried out at primary schools in Latvia, Lithuania, and Slovakia. The observation aimed to map, compare and evaluate the scope of learning opportunities providing the space for speaking development. The questionnaire summarized the attitudes of the learners and their view of speaking development at CLIL lessons. The results of the research proved that the CLIL methodology is applied inadequate balance of the professional terms stemming from the content of the instructed subject (CALP) through practicing general language phrases (BICS), supported with appropriate scaffolding techniques, the speaking activities in the classroom environment using various forms of work, thus guarantee the effectiveness of successful development in speaking. Moreover, the questionnaire revealed that although most of the learners consider the professional vocabulary and pronunciation challenging, their attitudes towards CLIL application proved to be positive and they realize the benefits and the added value of CLIL lessons in their foreign language speaking development.

Key words: speaking development, Content and language integrated learning (CLIL), language teaching and learning

Pages: 17 - 26

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