2019_12_02_03 - XLinguae

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Open access Issues > Issue n_2_2019 > section n_2_2019
Representation of the axiological component of the concept "house" in the English, German and Russian languages
[Репрезентация ценностного компонента концепта «дом» в английском, немецком и русском языках]
Tatiana Sergeevna Nifanova – Larisa Georgievna Popova – Natalia Vladimirovna Popova – Lubov Mikhailovna Shatilova – Elena Borisovna Savelyeva – Elena Alexandrovna Lineva

DOI: 10.18355/XL.2019.12.02.03

The article deals with the peculiarities of the representation of the axiological component of the phraseological concept "house" in the English, German and Russian languages. Russian is chosen as a basic language for comparison. The name of the chosen concept in Russian is a lexical unit "дом" in English - "house/home" and in German - "Haus". The purpose of the research is to reveal similarities and differences in the representation of the axiological component of the concept "home" in the specified languages. The analysis revealed the similarities and differences in the ways and means of the representation of the axiological component of the studied concept in the compared languages.

Key words: concept, representation, linguistic culture, house, idioms, axiological component

Pages: 27 - 40

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