2019_12_02_11 - XLinguae

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Open access Issues > Issue n_2_2019 > section n_2_2019
The image of the author as a part of the implicit content of memoirs
[Образ автора как часть имплицитного содержания мемуарных текстов]
Irina Baklanova

DOI: 10.18355/XL.2019.12.02.11

The article written on the material of memoirs deals with the different sources of information about the images of the authors of memoir texts, which are implicitly reflected by these texts. The identification of these sources may be based on B. A. Uspenskij’s theory of “points of view”. These sources include such features of content and form of texts, as evaluation of various persons and events, language peculiarities of texts, selection of facts, mentioned in texts, information about feelings and emotions of the authors. In addition, methods for determining the veracity of memoirs are shown.

Key words: image of the author, memoirs, implicit information, a point of view of the narrator

Pages: 130 - 140

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