2019_12_03_04 - XLinguae

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Open access Issues > Issue n_3_2019 > section n_3_2019
Concept «teacher» in language consciousness of students of philological faculty
[Концепт «учитель» в языковой сознательности студентов филологического факультета]
Farida I. GabidullinaBolat S. KorganbekovVenera F. MakarovaRaif A. ZakirovGelyusya F. Kayumova
DOI: 10.18355/XL.2019.12.03.04
This article is about the representation of concept “teacher” in language consciousness of students in the context of socially important events at the beginning of XXI century. Based on an associative experiment, we concluded the discrepancy of a concept, because many years the treatment of a teacher as an ideal began to change to bad in the last 10 years. Learning the word associations of the students to the word “teacher,” the author of the article shows the degree of the importance of personal and professional qualities of the teacher and his social status.

Key words: teacher, concept, education, associative experiment

Pages: 45 - 54

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