2019_12_03_07 - XLinguae

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Open access Issues > Issue n_3_2019 > section n_3_2019
Functional and syntactic features of free indirect discourse in M.I. Tsvetaeva’s prose works
Ruzilya I. Galimullina – Julia K. Kazakova – Olga P. Puchinina
DOI: 10.18355/XL.2019.12.03.07
The authors of the article focus their attention on free indirect discourse, a special device to render someone else’s speech.  We consider the topic under analysis to be of scientific interest due to several factors. Firstly, the study of the problems, associated with the types of rendering someone else’s speech is still rather important in modern linguistics, that is, such issues as the author’s language, expressive syntax, etc., are reflected in a lot of scientific works. Secondly, the authors consider that despite a great number of serious research on Marina Tsvetaeva’s mysterious language in various fields, free indirect discourse in the text field of the writer and poet has not been studied sufficiently, which makes the present study topical. Sentences containing free indirect discourse are classified based on the functional approach to types of sentences, types of the utterance and punctuation.  

Key words: free indirect discourse, someone else’s speech, types of sentences, repetition, punctuation

Pages: 80 - 92

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