2019_12_03_09 - XLinguae

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Open access Issues > Issue n_3_2019 > section n_3_2019
Analysis of grammatical and stylistic features of translation of English absolute constructions into Russian  (based on the 20th-century English-language works of literature)
Yelena Yu. Orekhova – Olga S. Polatovskaya – Mariya V. Badelina
DOI: 10.18355/XL.2019.12.03.09
The paper is devoted to the study and analysis of the grammatical and stylistic features of the translation of English absolute constructions into Russian on the material of English-language works of literature of the 20th century. The lack of knowledge on the issue necessitated the study of several works and translations. The work was based on the works of William Saroyan, Anthony Burgess, and John Steinbeck and translated editions of these works. The main approaches to the definition of absolute constructions and absolute phrases in the English language are reviewed; the types of absolute phrases are considered; the functions of absolute constructions, described by different scientists, are described; the grammatical and stylistic features of absolute constructions in the English language are studied; the grammatical and stylistic features of the translation of absolute constructions from English into Russian are analyzed.

Key words: absolute construction, absolute phrase, grammatical features, stylistic features, the English language, translation

Pages: 106 - 128

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