2019_12_03_13 - XLinguae

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Open access Issues > Issue n_3_2019 > section n_3_2019
Instantial transformation of phraseological units as complex phenomenon
Elena Y. Semushina
DOI: 10.18355/XL.2019.12.03.13
The paper focuses on the study of phraseological units of the English and Russian languages, which gives an opportunity to understand cultural life of people, development of the language and culture in general. The reasons for instantial (occasional) changes of the units are revealed, the ways of formation as well. The main types of interaction of certain types of instantial (occasional) phraseological units are defined. The transformations are classified according to the type of structural change, intention of the author, and semantics of the unit. The study of complex cases of transformation of phraseological units are of particular importance as it is the use of a combination of transformations that allows creating the necessary aesthetic effect. The following ways of contextual transformation of phraseological units are examined: substitution, ellipsis (allusion), saturation of context, repetition, cleft use, extended metaphor, expansion. The ways they interact in the discourse with a purpose of creating a complex case of transformation are analyzed. The works of English and Russian writers of the 20th and 21st centuries were subjected to processing. The aspects of meaning that were changed according to a certain type of complex transformation are revealed.

Key words: inslantial use, complex transformation, substitution, allusion, cleft use, extended metaphor

Pages: 179 - 191

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