2019_12_03_16 - XLinguae

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Open access Issues > Issue n_3_2019 > section n_3_2019
Axiological aspect in the context of teaching philosophy
Marian Ambrozy – Peter Sagat
DOI: 10.18355/XL.2019.12.03.16

In what way should philosophical subjects be taught from the perspective of values? In essence, there is a possibility of doing it in three distinct ways: The first one is via maintaining a certain ideological position and choosing a style of education, methods, and approaches through the prism of the subject in question. The second possibility is determined by the approach to teaching stemming from a neutral evaluative aspect, or by giving a neutrally charged portfolio. The third option is to utilize an apophatic grasp on the problem in question achieved through the negative ostracization of certain ideological positions. In this case, the differential criterion would be represented by the social consequences of historically existing models asserting concrete opinions. This paper constitutes a discussion on the process of reconciling the possibilities above.   

Key words: didactics of philosophy, metaethics, training, education, dialogue

Pages: 218 - 227

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