2019_12_03_18 - XLinguae

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Open access Issues > Issue n_3_2019 > section n_3_2019
Morphological and syntactic interference in the context of Franco-Congolese bilingualism
Jerome Baghana – Tatiana G. Voloshina – Katarina Slobodova Novakova
DOI: 10.18355/XL.2019.12.03.18
The article is devoted to the problem of language contacts in the linguistic setting of the Congo, resulting in various changes. The given work stresses the idea of the relationship between hybrid languages and the role of interference on morphological and syntactic levels of two languages: French and Kikongo. The authors analyze the theoretical ground of contact linguistics formation process, reveal the degree of interference influence on the linguistic and cultural state of two languages, examine the most prominent features of noun functioning peculiarities in French and Kikongo due to the interaction of the languages in contact.

Key-words: language contact, interference, bilingualism, language interaction, French, Kikongo, noun

Pages: 240 - 248

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