2019_12_03_19 - XLinguae

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Open access Issues > Issue n_3_2019 > section n_3_2019
Representation of memory processes by verbal collocations with the semantic component “time”
[Репрезентация процессов памяти глагольными коллокациями с семантическим компонентом «время»]
Larisa Rebrina
DOI: 10.18355/XL.2019.12.03.19
The article investigates the structural, semantic and syntagmatic characteristics of the memory verbal collocations of the German language with the semantic component "time," extracted on the basis of statistical parameters from the newspaper corps of DWDS. The key words are the nouns Vergangenheit (past), Gegenwart (present), Zeit (time), Ewigkeit (eternity), characterized by high syntagmatic potential, indicating the significance of the corresponding concepts for the mental and linguistic representation of memory operations. The component composition of collocations, the structure of the internal organization of the lexical set, the meanings of case forms of nominal components, objectness and subjectness, external or internal transitivity / intransitivity, structural and semantic models, thematic codes, collocation series, pragmatic components of the semantics of word combinations are described. The complex of semasiologically and onomasiologically oriented methods of analysis allows to obtain polyaspectual information on collocations, to describe the elements of the linguistic model of memory, to draw conclusions about the peculiarities of the lexical-semantic representation by the statistically stable consisting of more than one word units of the memory phenomenon in the context of its connection with time. The results are of practical importance for the automatic processing of texts, linguodidactics, translation, ideographic lexicography.

Key words: verb collocations, memory, time, representation, syntagmatics, semantics, German media, corpus, lexico-semantic representation

Pages: 249 - 265

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