2019_12_04_08 - XLinguae

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Open access Issues > Issue n_4_2019 > section n_4_2019
Implicit linguopragmatic strategies of speech behavior of English-speaking prosecutors
Irina A. Zyubina – Anna I. Dzyubenko – Viktoriya A. Borisenko – Olga V. Popova – Alexey I. Prokopyev

DOI: 10.18355/XL.2019.12.04.08

The article is devoted to investigating of linguopragmatic aspect of speech behavior of English-speaking prosecutors. A speech genre of the prosecution speech allocates different stylistic types of prosecutor's behavior. In the speeches by the English-speaking prosecutors before a trial by jury at the beginning of the XXI century the signs of the publicistic style are revealed. Speech signals of the addresser's speech behavior in English are distinguished. Different implicit linguopragmatic strategies are described. The frequency of the planes' actualization is counted. The study allows forming and interpreting the addressers’ speech portraits, diagnosing features of speech behavior of English-speaking prosecutors. Stereotyped verbal behavior of the prosecutors is examined with the help of pragmalinguistic and comparative analysis, considering the period (the beginning of the XXI century), addressee (trial by the jury), and national and cultural specificity of the addresser (English-speaking public prosecutors).

Key words: pragmalinguistics, implicit linguopragmatic strategies, speech behavior, English-speaking prosecutors

Pages: 92 - 102

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