2019_12_04_10 - XLinguae

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Open access Issues > Issue n_4_2019 > section n_4_2019
Peculiarities of using creative neologisms in publicistic texts
Olga A. Kalugina – Dinara G. Vasbieva – Roza A. Valeeva – Elena V. Maystrovich – Olga V. Pashanova

DOI: 10.18355/XL.2019.12.04.10

Creative neologisms are a strategic unit of communication, increasing the importance of modern publistic texts. The paper aims to consider the phenomenon of creative neologisms by the example of text fragments of English-language newspapers and to implement an adequate classification of creative neologisms. The relevance of studying creative neologisms in modern publicistic texts is due to the fact that they can be considered as the linguistic and discursive potential of a publicistic text. The methodological basis for the research comprises method of linguistic-stylistic analysis based on Sánchez’s typology (2016) of the creative neologisms according to their construction devices. The findings suggest that the potential of using creative neologisms in the publicistic texts is high though the percentage of literary creative devices is rather unstable as compared with the formal ones. Although the corpus study is not very big, this trend is quite visible. The experiment has also shown that the level of students’ awareness of literary creative devices that are less frequently used in the publicistic texts is high and can be explained by the differences in perception of creative neologisms by the writers and readers, though this assumption requires further research.

Key words: creative neologism, occasional word, neologism, word-formation process, Sánchez’s typology

Pages: 119 - 129

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