2019_12_04_11 - XLinguae

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Open access Issues > Issue n_4_2019 > section n_4_2019
Laterality and its influence on the written expression of intellectually disabled pupils
[Lateralita a jej vplyv na pisomny prejav ziakov s mentalnym postihnutim]
Monika Sulovska – Alica Vancova – Natalia Neupauerova

DOI: 10.18355/XL.2019.12.04.11

The paper presents the results of research into the formal aspect of writing skills and writing in pupils with mild intellectual disability to laterality. This exploratory study aims to conclude the results from qualitative analysis of the lettering (shape, size, proportionality, unity, and gradient of letters) and assessment of adherence to the technical requirements of writing (holding writing instruments and body position by writing). The sample consisted of twenty pupils with mild intellectual disabilities aged 12-14 years (ten pupils with dominant left hand and ten pupils with dominant right hand) attending special primary schools in Bratislava region and Košice region. We analyzed 60 font samples in the form of depreciation, transcription, and dictation. The research results point to the difference in the quality of the written expression of pupils with intellectual disabilities, where the pupils with the dominant left hand have achieved better results in most qualitative fonts. In both groups, pupils achieved the best results in the form of a transcript, with the least difficulty in maintaining unanimity, and the greatest problems for the pupils were keeping the correct shape and proportionality of the letters. In the framework of technical requirements of writing, 17 pupils detected incorrect posture while writing, while six pupils detected incorrect grasp of writing tools.
The results of research in pupils with a dominant left hand showed that the recommended method of writing left-handers was not followed. We appeal to the importance of the methodology of writing for pupils with intellectual disabilities, where a properly guided methodological approach of the teacher plays an important role.

Key words: laterality, left-handed, handwriting, the pupil with intellectual disability, written expression, quality of writing

Pages: 130 - 142

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