2019_12_04_14 - XLinguae

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Open access Issues > Issue n_4_2019 > section n_4_2019
Developing cross-cultural competence of intending teachers under the conditions of the linguistic faculty
Ekaterina A. Kostina – Dzhafar Mallaev

DOI: 10.18355/XL.2019.12.04.14

The development of cross-cultural competence is a complex task of professional education. The measurement of cross-cultural competence is difficult due to the fact that this competence develops throughout a person's life. It is, in fact, the competence of life. Therefore, we have set our goal to measure various aspects of the required competence, which will indicate a certain degree of its formation. To achieve the stated goal, we used the methods of questioning, testing, conversation, observation, expert evaluation, generalization of independent characteristics and interviewing of the faculty and administration of the University. In the course of experimental activity in the conditions of cross-cultural educational environment of the faculty of foreign languages of Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University the growth of indicators of formation of cross-cultural competence of students – future teachers of foreign language was revealed. Since the level of cross-cultural competence of students of the language faculty has shown a steady growth under the conditions of one faculty, we believe it is possible and necessary to create a cross-cultural educational environment in the whole University in order to form and develop cross-cultural competence, academic mobility and, as a result, improve professional competence of future teachers.

Key words: cross-cultural competence, cross-cultural educational environment, academic mobility, language education

Pages: 165 - 172

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