2019_12_04_19 - XLinguae

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Open access Issues > Issue n_4_2019 > section n_4_2019
Abraham and the tortoise: eleatic variations on Fear and Trembling
[Abramo e la tartaruga: ariazioni eleatiche su Timore e tremore]
Igor Tavilla – Roman Kralik – Marie Roubalova

DOI: 10.18355/XL.2019.12.04.19

As Zeno of Elea disputed against multiplicity and local movement, so Kierkegaard disputed against the pretentious claim of his contemporaries “to go beyond faith” or simply to perform the movement of faith. To show how far people so called Christians were from genuine faith, Kierkegaard stresses in Fear and Trembling the exceptionality of Abraham’s story, analysing the infinite stages through which the knight of faith must pass. The aim of this paper is to suggest possible analogies between Zeno’s paradoxes and Kierkegaard’s treatment of Genesis 22.

Key words: Kierkegaard, Zeno of Elea, paradox, Abraham, Fear and Trembling, knight of faith

Pages: 219 - 228

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