2020_13_02_02 - XLinguae

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Open access Issues > Isuue n_2_2020 > section n_2_2020
Linguistic analysis of the peculiarities of the French-language legal task texts

Ivan I. Sinyakin – Ekaterina A. Samorodova – Irina G. Belyaeva

DOI: 10.18355/XL.2020.13.02.02

Juridical linguistics is a particular branch of linguistics which studies the linguistic aspects of interaction between language and law. This research is devoted to the analysis of linguistic peculiarities of legal task texts in French, as well as to some other aspects of juridical linguistics. Legal tasks in a foreign language are a crucial component of the language material used in professionally-oriented training of international lawyers, representing a particular category of legal texts, including the characteristics of normative texts and the texts of judicial decisions, but having a sort of emotional colouring which differentiates it from other types of legal documents.
The authors of the present research have managed to carry out a holistic grammatical, lexical and syntactic analysis of the legal task texts, to reveal the peculiarities of the text structure and to establish the basic principles of creating a legal task text in the French language.

Key words: linguistic analysis, linguistic peculiarities, text structure, juridical linguistics, case studies, legal task, professional discourse, international law

Pages: 17 - 32

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