2020_13_02_10 - XLinguae

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Open access Issues > Isuue n_2_2020 > section n_2_2020
Reference, evaluation and codes of culture in Russian and Czech proverbs of truth and lie

Olga B. Abakumova – Jiri Korostenski

DOI: 10.18355/XL.2020.13.02.10

The paper deals with problems of evaluation, reference and typology of proverbs. The study is based on Russian and Czech proverbs of truth and lie that are classified according to different types of reference and ways of expressing evaluation. The research shows universal and national specific features of semantics and pragmatics in Russian and Czech proverbs that are revealed by means of cognition-discourse model of proverbs’ sense actualization. The comparative analysis showed that Czech proverbs tend to evaluate the referential situation, while Russian proverbs of truth mostly focus on man’s behavior, though both Slavic language cultures explicitly or implicitly recommend ethic norms of social behavior.

Key words: proverbs, reference, evaluation, Russian, Czech, cultural codes

Pages: 133 - 139

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