2020_13_02_20 - XLinguae

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Open access Issues > Isuue n_2_2020 > section n_2_2020
Dialogic speech as a field of compound-complex sentence communicative types application

Jerome Baghana – Elena A. Ogneva – Tatiana G. Voloshina – Galina V. Mironova – Katarina Slobodova Novakova

DOI: 10.18355/XL.2020.13.02.20

The purpose of the article is to identify the specifics of compound-complex sentences functioning in the dialogues of script texts. The research work has a complex system to analyze the linguistic processes, which are manifested in script texts of British and American scriptwriters. According to the study, the authors analyze the peculiarities of dialogue constituents and take the following definitions: communicative turn and communicative move, presenting the dialogue construction parts. In the given work, the peculiarities of communicative turn with such component as a compound-complex sentence is being analyzed. Special attention is paid to the position of the compound-complex sentence (initiative or reactive) in the script dialogues as well as the functions of the complex constructions are revealed, which are to give substantial information, describe reasons of actions, state the detailed events of the characters’ past. English and American script texts present communication of characters, which is close to real everyday life expressions of people of all nations; they combine formal and informal types of communication. Compound complex sentences are an integral part of scripts dialogues of different genres. Nearly all types of compound-complex sentence variations (five out of six) are used as elements of script texts. The major part of compound-complex examples, found in dialogues of script texts in the initial position, presents the models with minimal compound blocks aiming to present general information. If the characters’ intention is to reveal the shadow meanings, enumerate the facts, give profound information, the compound-complex sentences take the position of reaction; in this case, one can notice the extended types of complex models in dialogues of script texts.

Key words: dialogue, turn, move, script, initiative position, reaction position, compound-complex sentence, compound block, complex block

Pages: 235 - 244

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