2020_13_03_08 - XLinguae

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Open access Issues > Isuue n_3_2020 > section n_3_2020
Religious and scientific traditions in interpretation and "reading" of modern and canonical language of pedagogical text

Andrey V. Korzhuev – Tatiana Vlasova – Vladimir Sinyachkin – Vladimir V. Vorozhikhin – Natalia E. Sudakova

DOI: 10.18355/XL.2020.13.03.08

This article is aimed at identifying the possibility to solve the problem of adequate decoding of the pedagogy language in the format of correlation of religious and logical-and-semantic scientific traditions, which reveals a) similarity of scientific and religious interpretation of texts, on the basis of which pedagogy could adopt the experience of religious interpretative tradition; b) difference between these two types of interpretation, which can be the basis for their correct demarcation in the linguistic and cultural humanitarian field. The study of the problems mentioned has shown that there is a similarity between the classical scholarly humanitarian tradition of interpretation of texts and the religious tradition, which is reflected in the importance of the subject's appeal to the original or secondary text as an object of the cultural field and an intellectual phenomenon, archiving the findings of science or religious conceptualism. The similarity between the scientific and religious traditions of interpretation mentioned above refers to such forms of content interpretation as a) decoding and presentation of the semantics and stylistics of the text to the recipient's mind through a number of images and symbols that are clear to the recipient; b) decoding the essence of the metaphors, synecdoche, periphrasis and metonymy used by the author. The latter can be designated as a segment of experience, appropriate for adoption by scientific pedagogy from religious tradition.

Key words: hermeneutics, pedagogical text, religious and scientific tradition of interpretation and construing of the text, canonical text, adherents of a doctrine, interpretative field of the text

Pages: 78 - 93

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