2021_14_1_1 - XLinguae

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Open access Issues > Issue n_1_2021 > section n_1_2021
Learning to teach and learn (not only foreign languages) during the coronavirus pandemics

Alena Haskova – Romana Havettova – Zuzana Vogelova

DOI: 10.18355/XL.2021.14.01.01

The authors in the article present the main phenomena that during the state of emergency declared by the Government of the Slovak Republic due to the spreading coronavirus pandemic should contribute to managing the situation and support the functioning of the educational environment of primary and secondary schools in Slovakia in the newly established conditions. Following the summarization of the relevant phenomena, findings arising from the acquired experience of teachers from practice are presented. The analysis of the acquired experience was processed on the basis of panel discussions with teachers, which were focused on a critical evaluation of their practical experience in providing education for primary and secondary school students during an emergency and a subsequent emergency situation. At the same time, both the described process of learning to teach and learn under the pandemic situation, as well as the presented findings resulted from the panel discussions, are put in an international context and compared with the situation and experiences from other countries.

Key words: regional and local schools (ISCED 1 – ISCED 3), coronavirus pandemic, educational environment, online teaching, remote instruction, challenges, opportunities, teachers` experiences, and opinions

Pages: 3-16

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