2021_14_1_10 - XLinguae

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Open access Issues > Issue n_1_2021 > section n_1_2021
Emergency remote teaching of French as a foreign language: Course adequacy to the INEE standards

Rana Hasan Kandeel

DOI: 10.18355/XL.2021.14.01.10

The objective of this paper is to explore the adequacy of French as a foreign language (FFL), with specific context to teaching and learning of the beginners' course for the International Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE) standards. Specifically, in terms of the impact of coronavirus pandemic on teaching foreign languages. The paper utilized qualitative methodology with the two mediums of direct observation and the open questionnaire. According to the study results, adaptive changes were seen in the curriculum, and these were in accordance with the INEE standards for education in emergencies. For example, revision in the contents, planning and methodologies. More specifically, while the Blackboard platform saw an increase in the new learning materials and written communicative activities in the forum; there was a clear reduction in the oral skills and language practice. Also, in comparison the use of traditional methodology was seen to be higher than the communicative method.

Key words: education in emergencies, beginners, remote teaching, French as a foreign language (FFL), INEE standards

Pages: 110-130

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