2021_14_1_11 - XLinguae

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Open access Issues > Issue n_1_2021 > section n_1_2021
Analysis of communicative methods effectiveness in teaching foreign languages during the coronavirus epidemic: distance format

Ekaterina A. Samorodova – Irina G. Belyaeva – Sofia A. Bakaeva

DOI: 10.18355/XL.2021.14.01.11

The forced transition to distance learning in 2020 forced the world scientific community to pay special attention to researching the effectiveness of the methodology for teaching subject disciplines in a remote format. In this manuscript, the authors did attempt to study, analyze, and classify various methods of teaching a foreign language (English, French, and German) at MGIMO University. The present research is based not only on a direct professional experience of working at a distance but also on an anonymous survey conducted among students. The purpose of this study is to develop and describe the most effective model of teaching a foreign language in the specified conditions. In addition to the empirical approach - observation of students' work during the semester, the use of experimental control methods, comparison, comparative analysis of the results - the authors also use data from an anonymous survey among students and foreign language teachers, which emphasizes the practical significance and relevance of the study. During the students questioning, it was found out which teaching methods and specific exercises are the most effective in the framework of a distance lesson. The questioning of teachers made it possible to classify statistical results and identify methods that teachers use in teaching a foreign language in a distance format and which could be used by them but are not used. On the basis of the data obtained, the authors conclude that there is a discrepancy between the ideas of teachers and students about the effectiveness of using certain forms of online education. This conclusion will allow in the near future to adjust the methodological and teaching aids for working in a distance format in foreign language classes.

Key words: pandemic, coronavirus, distance learning, distance learning, foreign language teaching, teaching methods

Pages: 131-140

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