2021_14_2_16 - XLinguae

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Open access Issues > Issue n_2_2021 > section n_2_2021
Linguostylistic specifics of the pragmatical and symbolic realization of the English poetic discourse

Akmaral B. Srailova – Kseniia M. Baranova – Alexander K. Kalioppin – Yelena G. Knyazeva – Olga V. Sergeeva

DOI: 10.18355/XL.2021.14.02.16

The article examines linguostylistic specifics of the pragmatical and symbolic realization of the poetic discourse based on English. As the purpose of the work, we analyzed the use of linguistic means of symbolization in the English poetic discourse in the linguopragmatic aspect. The article discusses the importance of stylistic means in English for poetic influence on the addressee. In analyzing verses from pragmalinguistic side is necessary to show their stylistic peculiarities. We did a contextual analysis of poetic works at the text and hypotext levels using the method of symbolic interpretation, stylistic analysis, and linguopragmatic analysis. As the material of the study, we analyzed the poetic works of English poets. The theoretical significance of research results is to identify linguistic specifics of pragmatic and symbol realization of the poetic discourse in the English linguoculture. The study contributes to the development of discursive linguistics, pragmalinguistics, lexicology and stylistics of English, theory of linguistics, linguoculturology. In practical terms, results can be used in teaching the theory of discourse, pragmalinguistics, linguistic analysis of the poetic text, lexicology, and stylistics of English.

Key words: poetic discourse, pragmatics, symbol, linguostylistic means, English

Pages: 215-226

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